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Health and Wellness Resources

This is where you can find educational information about breast forms, breast cancer and general health.

(Click here to jump toWorld Wide resources for Cancer Related Sites, News Sites.)

General Health Sites

Family Education -
This is an information rich site. There is information for parents, teachers, and children on health, safety, nutrition, and product recalls. There is also a reference section with access to an atlas, encyclopedia, and dictionary. There is a shopping section for educational books, videos, and software.

FDA - Center for Drug Evaluation Research -
This link will take you to the page that describes the approved drugs for certain types of cancer.

Health A to Z -
This site covers a number of topics: women's health, alternative medicine, fitness, healthy eating, wellness, etc. It also has a specialized view of women's health issues by age category. If you are in your 50s, it creates a page of informational links that will be of interest of women in their 50s.

Health Library at Stanford -
This site has several links to articles, reports, and white papers on several health issues. These articles are categoried by health issues; Women's health, children's health, Senior's health, etc. They also have book titles recommended by these categories.

MedBroadcast -
This is a very well respected Canadian site. It too has a library of articles, as well as health assessment toolkit, list of support groups in North America, drug check tool. You can also become a member and receive a free newsletter.

Medscape -
This resource site is directed to medical professionals but, it still has lots of useful information.

The Merck Manual Home Edition -
This is a very informative site - It is the Merck manual on line. You can choose to view the text version of this site or an interactive version of the same information.

Seniors Wellness -
Health information from a senior's point of view.

Vital Breast Self Examination Aid -
The Vital BSE Aid reduces friction to allow your fingers to glide more smoothly across your breast and enhance your sense of touch, while providing an easier and more comfortable exam.

Web MD -
This is a health site that carries news articles as well as member services such as a chat and live events. They have information on clinical trials, a health risk appraisal, healthcare record and more. An informative site.

Wellness Books -
Excellent site to look for resource material. You can purchase on-line if you like.

Wellness Web -
Information on health and wellness issues, including women's health, and seniors.

Cancer Related Sites

American Cancer Society -
Excellent resource for cancer information.

BC Cancer Agency -
This site has an excellent list of recommended links. Definitely worth a look if you are looking for information.

Breast Cancer -
This site is very different looking but you will find some good information.

Cancer Education -
If you are specifically interested in breast cancer, choose it from the "select a topic" box. This will take you to a home page that specializes in breast cancer information.

Cancer Research Center of America, Inc. -
This tax exempt, nonprofit, medical research organization has determined what are the major causes and sources of breast cancer and fatal breast cancer. This new information led to the development of a detailed, comprehensive and superior questionnaire for use to determine what a woman can and must do to prevent a first occurrence or recurrence of these diseases. Visit the site for information on obtaining this potentially life-saving questionnaire.

Cancer Source -
This link will take you to the Breast Cancer home page of their site. They have news, features, and events listed.

Cancer Survivor's Network -
This site contains lots of personal information; web sites, expression gallery, recommended resources, etc. It also lists upcoming talk shows and story topics.

John Hopkins - Breast Center -
The John Hopkins site has hundreds of centers dedicated to specific topics. This link goes directly to the Breast Center. If you wish to go to the John Hopkins Home page (

Living Beyond Breast Cancer -
This site has a lot of good information. It contains a list of upcoming events, conferences, teleconferences, and chats. You can also order tapes or transcripts from past events. They also have a toll-free help line.

National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations -
This site has a published resource guides of information, support groups, websites etc.

National Cancer Institute -
If you specifically want breast cancer information, go to This site is a fantastic source for cancer information, cancer statistics, cancer research, cancer trials, and much more.

University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center -
Excellent information.

News Sites

American Medical News
Associated Press - The Wire - Breaking News
Hardin MD - YAWN for Health
Health News: Yahoo! Canada
REUTERS News Search
RobertsReview - Cancer Treatment Breakthroughs

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